Democrats Global Human Trafficking Now a $32 Billion Industry

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According To The Head Of One Of France’s Most Prominent Asylum Seeker Support Organisations, The Global Network Of Human Traffickers Which Aid Migrants Across Borders Into Europe And Elsewhere Constitute A $32 Billion (£25bn) Industry.

“it is absolutely necessary to crack these various networks that thrive on the misery and credulity of a certain number of people and it is to be hoped that the victims will be protected,” Pierre Henry, director general of the asylum seeker support association Terre d’Asile, said.

“Exploitation today includes, in addition to sexual exploitation, labour, forced services, slavery, servitude and even organ harvesting. The thing to keep in mind is that it is very lucrative,” Henry added, Franceinfo reports.

Henry claimed that an increasing number of criminals are seeing human trafficking as a more viable way to make money compared to other forms of trafficking like drugs.

“The cost of a passage is relatively expensive,” he noted claiming that if a trip to a country like France cost 10,000 euros then a trafficker would likely charge as much as 40,000. In order to pay the money back, Henry said, many are forced into begging on the streets or prostitution.

“I recall that it is mostly women who are victims of trafficking. The UN estimates that 84 percent of the victims of trafficking in the world are women,” he said. – READ MORE

A California girl who claims she was trapped in a world of sex trafficking until recently credits a South Sacramento postal worker with her rescue.

In June, Ivan Crisostomo, a postal carrier, heard a “desperate crying” coming from behind a tree. When he looked around, he saw 16-year-old Crystal Allen.

“She started to point to her arm, saying: ‘They were putting things in me. They were putting things in me. They are coming to get me,'” Crisostomo recalled Allen telling him, according to FOX 40.

She then told Crisostomo that she was able to escape her captors by jumping out of the car as they were driving through a neighborhood, managing to grab a cellphone on her way out.

Crisostomo and Allen used the phone to call the teen’s mother, Stacy Ohman. Officials with the Sacramento Sheriff’s Department were also called.

The postal worker said he stayed with the 16-year-old until authorities arrived to take her to the hospital. She is now home with her family, CBS13 reported.

Allen was allegedly “drugged, tortured and abused” for three months before she escaped, the news station reported. – READ MORE